README File for  TP 422

GPS based Turn Point Verification using GARMIN , MLR, Log_It, Aircotek, Compeo, ...

Known bugs

- XCT waypoint upload is slow and only every 2nd waypoint makes it

- GARMIN USB  untested, not enough chance to get my hands on a USB Garmin to properly develop and test the code

- Digifly Leonardo brand new interface, hardly had a chance to test it


User Instructions:

see User\index.html file


  Before comp, during announcement period, use the specifications.htm file of what is supported


For pilot briefing use the gpsinfo.htm and 4pilots.txt file


Visual Basic Code located in the code directory for the Turnpoint GPS verification


The obsolete Tp2Race direct TP to RACE interface code in Visual Basic got  replaced by the XML Bulk file format.

 see Changes.html for what got changed when in the code