Open Cross Country Task Option



 One has 4 options when creating an Open XC task

The RACE score data in the XML or direct database interface gets sent as ABS pilot kms. No furthest coords. And Pilot is LO.

 Open XC Task with an Start Cylinder and optional Turnpoints

 Honestly,  SS is fine, but forget about the turnpoints. It makes the task and scoring messy. And the final km score gets measured towards takeoff.  What is fine if a pilot made it past the last compulsory turnpoint and is on the free distance leg.
 But how do we score a pilot who missed a TP? Or never made it to the last turnpoint? Do we score him like in a normal task? The code  takes the trackpoint closest to the next turnpoint that he was aiming for and then scores this track point to takeoff for distance. Confusing??? Yeah, try and explain this to the pilots...
Recommend, have no turnpoints and less confusion and keep it simple.

Whatever.. here is how those tasks get defined.

An Open XC with a SS start cylinder and one Turnpoint and then it is free Open XC from then onwards

 First a TO TakeOff
 Then a SS with 2 km , in this case around takeoff area, and pilots have to stay inside of it
and then a turnpoint with a  400 m cylinder .

a sample score of a pilot who made it past the last Turnpoint

And here is an example of a pilot who sank out before reaching the last compulsory turnpoint

Example of  an Open XC with SS and an Axis direction to follow a certain Heading Task

TO TakeOff as usual
 A SS start cylinder with a 2km radius , to be crossed from the inside after the startgate opens
 And the last point , called AXIS, defines the direction from takeoff towards that point, that the pilots have to follow.

A score would then look like this


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