Scoring FAI Sector based Tasks

FAI has not been updated or supported since 2001 !!!
This part of the code has been stagnant and not checked or used for quite a while

To start the program double click onto the TP.exe icon.

The splash screen appears.
Click on the button to start.
If one clicks on any other area the program exits.
Let's begin and LOAD an existing Task.
How we define a Task gets described further on in this document.

A Task uses either FAI or Cylinder based Turnpoints.

This html document describes the scoring when FAI Sector is activated by USE_FAI_SECTOR=Y in the TP.ini or Settings.ini file.

Select the directory TASK1

And DOUBLE CLICK on it to open the TASK1 Directory.
Click on the LOAD TASK Button.

The program is using 2 files located in the TASK1 directory called Task.csv and Settings.ini. Those 2 files define this task.
More on those 2 files is exlained in the Admin Section

A new window is opened which gives some info on the task that got loaded.

Optional you can draw the task to get an idea if it looks correct

Now that we have managed to load a task, we can access pilot track related info for this specific day of the task.

Select PilotData to read existing track data of a Pilot.

Select the data for pilot, highlight it, then select one of the Method buttons.

 Method 1 is more strict and checks more
 Method 2 is less stringent

Track Analyze Method 1 - Following the track

The Method 1 checks if the pilot is in take off area. Once this is accepted it checks if the following points fit into the first turnpoint sector. And when this is accepted it checks the next point Turnpoint 2. And so on, until the pilot gets to goal.

This Method works ok when the task criss crosses turnpoints , like Barberton.
Where pilots run up and down the ridge.
The problem is that it expects the pilot to be in takeoff area and make a big move when taking off.

If Multitrack is set to N,

choose Yes to display the next track segment until the track of the Pilot gets displayed in a new window.
If in the Settings.ini file MULTI_TRACK is set to N, then each individual track log is analyzed on its own.
If MULTI_TRACK is set to Y then all tracks are combined in the track log together into one flight. This is useful for GPS with small memory, like GPS 38 or 40. Or eTrex and eMap with a high sample rate. Where the pilots switch on the GPS before each turnpoint and switch them off again after each turnpoint. To conserve memory.
Using the SETTINGS Option, you can dynamic switch the program from off to on. And rerun the analysis of a pilot track. No need to exit.

Green means that the track is accepted. Blue means that the track is expected to go around some other turnpoint. Yellow indicates that the track is close to a turnpoint. Red would mean that the pilot missed a turnpoint. In this case takeoff time and area, Starttarp, turnpoints and goal got accepted.
Pilot got to goal and with ZOOM we can check when he crossed the Goal line.
Scrolling down the Pilot Data Analysis window gives some more details on the score for this pilot.

In the PilotData directory of the TASKx (x=1,2,3..) a xxxRACE.INI (xxx=Pilot Number) file is created. This file is used by the TP2RACE program to transfer the score of the Pilot into RACE.
Besides this file, the program also creates an xml file entry and adds a record to an xml file in the TASKx directory that can be used to make a bulk xml file.


The track color coding is influenced by the USE_SPEED parameter.
USE_SPEED=Y shows the speed in color coding of a pilot as he flew the task.
USE_SPEED=N shows green when the track is ok, red when there is a problem

Here speed mode shows a pilot who top landed and took off again

The pilot switched off his GPS in between resulting in 2 tracks. Therefore TP can determine the closest distance to the next turnpoint as the red dot in the first track.

Here speed mode shows a pilot who did not switch off his GPS and walked more towards the next turnpoint.

TP unfortunately did not pick up (yet) that the pilot was walking and gave him the end track point as closest distance.
One of the priorities for future code development, will be to check for low speed and cut off a track.

Method 2 - All points matched against all turnpoints

The Method 2 checks if  any track point fits into any turnpoint or goal.
It is a simpler approach.
Works well if we have a task that does not overlap and crosses tracks.
It might fail if  takeoff is also a turnpoint later on.

Method 2 only supports Speed Mode.
Method 2 allows the scorer to "cheat" in over ruling the results by ticking boxes of turnpoints and declaring them for valid.

Here is a pilot that switched on too late his GPS and is already in Turnpoint 1 Sector

He gets 0 score for not taking off at the right spot

But in ticking the Take Off and redo the score

And then ticking Turn Point 1 and redo the score

Repeating this step multiple times one can overrule the results and get the pilot to goal


The code allows to switch off the FAI Sector checking.
To only use Beer can / Circles around a turnpoint.
Either in the TP.ini or in a Settings.ini file set USE_FAI_SECTOR to N.
Or in the Settings menu untick USE_FAI_SECTOR

Pin Chart

Once all scores are done one can print a pin map of  the pilots landing spots. There is also a Gardown File created to overlay the pilot landing coordinates in a product like Ozi Explorer or Gartrip in combination with a scanned map.

Select EXIT to finish the program