Taskverification Program by GPS for Hang Gliding and Paragliding
with RACE Interface
Free Shareware for Hang Gliding and
Paragliding community from Ulf Arndt
Not for commercial gain. Located at http://gpstp.sourceforge.net
The Visual Basic 6.0 based code is available for download from http://sourceforge.net/projects/gpstp/
Due to ongoing software changes the documentation is never up to date
Hang Gliding and Paragliding competitions are based on tasks.
Tasks are defined by a takeoff, turnpoints
and a goal.
Pilots have to takeoff at the defined takeoff area, fly around those turnpoints in a given sequence and land at goal.
We use GPS devices which collect a track log of the position of the pilot
during his flight.
This code then interfaces with those GPS devices ,
downloads the track data and checks if the pilot followed the task and flew
around those turnpoints and got to goal.
And then gives the pilot a score which can be used to feed RACE.
RACE is the FAI/CIVL scoring code to be used in Hang Gliding and Paragliding
Software Specifications what the code is supposed to do, which GPS are supported, what types of tasks, ..
How to unload and install the code.... Installation ,
How to Use the Sample Competition
How to Set up a competition
How to Create a comp_id.csv Turnpoint file
How to Provide the pilots at Registration with the official Turnpoints into their GPS Devices
How to Create a Task
Using GPSDUMP to download tracks and score them
Communicating with a GARMIN MLR Magellan
Talking to an Aircotec TopNavigator or Aircotec XC-Trainer
Using the Braeuniger COMPETINO or COMPEO/ ex Galileo
Interfacing with a Log_It MaxLogger RobLog Digifly-Leonardo
Processing data of a SportsTrack device
Scoring FAI Sector based Tasks this is outdatedScoring Cylinder based Tasks
Scoring Open Cross Country Tasks
as a RACE FREE Open XC task
or as a RACE Open XC along a HEADING
Scoring a Hand Tow Fun Comp event with TP
Administration and Files Reference , in case you want to know a bit more how the data is stored
Feed NASA World Wind Option
Add Altitude Info into a turnpoint ID , AddAlti>ID