Administration of TP - Task Verification Code

  • The two most important directories used by TP are ...
  • TP.ini , Comp.ini and Task.ini file format

    AUTO Processing

    In Cylinder scoring there is a tick box on the top. If one ticks it, the AUTO REDO and AUTO SCORE options become active.

    AUTO mode allows you to re process all track logs, one after the other without having to pick each track log.

    One would use this when one finds out after having scored everyone, that something was wrong in the task definition. Like one used the wrong turnpoint, or a radius was wrong, or some time was wrong.

    Besides the tick box in the Score window one can also use SETUP/COMP/CREATE  to change

     Assumes the track is correct. Use does not have to press the Accept this score. Dangerous option.
     But mostly beginner tracks are a mess. Or if the pilot switched on after his flight one has to cut this off.
    In case one discovers that the task got defined wrong. And one has to rescore all the pilot tracks.
    It starts with the first track and picks one track after the other for scoring
     Idea is a self service mode where the Pilot plugs in his GPS and everything else happens automatic.
    One can use this when one is very sure that the tasks are simple. And the pilots provide good track data.