Administration of TP - Task Verification Code
The two most important directories used by TP are ...
One is called a Work Directory where one stores intermediate temporary
files. Like the GPS tracks and waypoints from a pilot before the pilotnumber
gets assigned. Each computer has to have his own workdirectory on his local
And the Competition Directory where all the tracks and scores of all the
pilots get stored for a competition. There can only be one comp directory
which has to be shared by all the PCs used in a competition.
Each Task is located in its own directory under the comp directory.
Example C:\mycomp\Task01.
To define a new task, use the Menu Option SETUP/TASK/CREATE option which
will create a new directory TASK0x ,x = 1,2,3,4
If you are using RACE, create the TASK in RACE first. Then make sure the TASKID matches
the value that RACE is using.
For more info on how to Use and Define and Setup a Comp, see the COMP.html
Once a comp is defined, then you can create a task, see TASK.htm
for details
Within each TASKxx directory a sub directory called PilotData gets
created. PilotData contains all the tracks of the pilots using a naming
convention xxxxxTRK.csv, xxxxx= pilot number. Pilotnumbers can be maximum 5
digits long. Have to be from 00001 to 32767.
Each TASKxx directory got 2 files called Task.csv and Task.ini
Task.csv uses the GPS Waypoint coordinates from the file comp_id.csv
to define a task in the Menu TASK/CREATE.
Use the GARMIN GPS download option
of TP to get all the waypoints in a GPS into a file called WAYPOINTx.csv
, and then use the COPY button to copy this file to comp_id.csv
in the CompDirectory which then gets used in the TASK/CREATE.
Task.csv describes the coordinates of Take-off, Start-Tarp or Start Cylinder,
Turnpoints, Goal in comma separated format.
The first text string is 4 characters long, topped up with blank
It matches the RACE way of defining a task.
A 2 character field which is either blank, or contains SS ( Start of
Speed Section = Start Tarp) or ES ( End of Speed Section)
Then comes a 6 character waypoint name field as used in the GARMIN GPS.
Suggest to use L for Launch, S for Starttarp, T for a turnpoint,
G for a goal.
If you want you can also name turnpoints starting with N,S,E,W
for North,South,East,West from your main launch takeoff.
Then 2 digits. And the remaining 3 digits multiplied by 10, give
the height in meters.
Some Vario GPS combinations use this waypoint definition for final
glide calculations.
The next 2 values are the GPS coordinates.
Followed by an cylinder radius value in km.
TP.ini , Comp.ini and Task.ini file format
TP.ini is the first file to be read at startup.
Example for a beer can type comp:
TP.ini points the program to the directory where the competition data
is located
TP.ini can be used to define defaults for the whole competition period.
Like the GPS Communication port and what Pilot ID format is used. And the
directory for the competition data.
Initial values set in the TP.ini can be overruled by the
Comp.ini and Task.ini file in each Task directory.
In the ini file the [TPGPS] section handles tolerances, com port, distances,
Values that can be set in an ini file
TP_COMP_DIRECTORY (used to be called TPDIR) = The directory that
contains the task data
COMPNAME= required to identify the comp in the Pilotid in the GPS. To avoid
that an old Pilotid gets reused in another comp
GPS_MOVE= not used anymore, replaced by MIN_SPEED, if set to 0. ,
MIN_SPEED=5 , minimum speed , below pilot is on the ground, above this
pilot is flying
MAX_SPEED=80, above this value pilot might be driving
USE_SPEED = Y or N , Y = display color coded speed track, N
= show green if track is ok..
MAX_SPEED_COLOR = 255 , the color that is to be used to show max speed
is exceeded
MIN_SPEED_COLOR = 255 , the color to be used when pilot is not moving,
set by a color choose in Settings Menu within TP
0.02 in km , 0.02 for 20 meter, 0 can be used, but can give display
Points size drawn are dependent on error. If 0 starts giving problems
then make 0.004, 4 meters for example.
2 for South Africa
if set to 0, ignore takeoff area if negative, ignore also takeoff time
1 km ,how close do you have to be in sector to the turnpoint
1 km
P or M , PILOT Waypoint , or -XXX Pilot ID as waypoint
Y displays marked waypoints in ZOOM
Y or N , Y joins all tracks together to one
factor on distance between tps when track goes blue
default window size for ZOOM Window, obsolete from TP 46 onwards
6371.2 , in km
Y or N , Yes for using FAI Sector, No to use Beer can radius
USE_CLOSEST_DISTANCE=N , Yes for checking how close a pilot got to the
next turnpoint
The [TIME] Section of an ini file describes date and times for the task.
The most important values to change each day for a task are in TIME
section of the Task.ini file in the TASKx directory
TASK=01 this should correspond
to the directory for the task, eg C:\mycomp \task01\
Determine which Com port is used by the serial port for the GPS data
And define the correct com port value for the GPSCOMPORT
in the TP.ini file.
To interface with RACE , each task directory requires in the ini
file under the [RACE] section
USE_RACE=N can be Yes or No
where TASK1 is the name used in RACE for this task.
Yes , score data to be sent to RACE database direct
No, no interface to RACE
X = using XML Bulk data interface
D = using a direct interface into the RACE database
What RACE calls the task
RACEDBNAME=C:\program files\race\data\TEST.mdb
Full pathname to talk to RACE database
RACE_XML_TASK_ID=3 , is the ID that RACE uses to identify the task i the
Get this number from the xml export from RACE
[LOGIT] for the Log_It data
BAUDRATE= 4800, 19200, 38400 or 57600
LOGIT_COMPORT = 1,2,3,4,.. 9 defines the comport used for
the Log_It
Parameter Settings - Detail Description
GARMIN_PORTS_USED=n , n=0-9, 0=none , 1= one port is
GARMIN_COMPORTx , x=1-9 , is the PC COM Port 1,2,3,4,.. to be used where
the GPS cable is attached
GPS_ERROR is the error allowed. Can be 0, in case you get rpoblems
make it 0.004 minimum.
GPS_MOVE is initial change in distance in the GPS tracklog to be regarded
as the pilot taking off. 0.1 corresponds to 100m. If set to 0., the pilot
is taking off immediately with the first track point. If an eTrex or eMap
is used, this value should be around 0.01. eMap and eTrex got a sample
rate of 1 second or in battery save mode still sample every few meters.
GOAL_LINE_LENGTH , total width of goal line, in kms., usually 1 km
MAX_NON_MOVE , 180, Maximum Number of seconds of not moving timestamps
to declare a pilot stationary
MULTI_TRACK, Y or N , treat each track in the log separate or not
Y - each new track in the log is scanned from scratch
N - each track log is joined to the previous one. For example if a pilot
only switches on his GPS when he approaches a turnpoint, use this option
P looks for a waypoint called PILOT to determine the pilot number out of
the GPS
C uses a 6 character comp_id , waypoint like AA2002 to identify
the competition and pilotnumber. The recommended way is to use C.
M looks for a waypoint starting with a - Minus sign. Pilot number -036
for example as a waypoint
Recommend to use the C option.
With C a unique waypoint will be used for each competition to identify
a pilot number in a GPS.
With P an existing PILOT waypoint from a previous comp will get overwritten.
Or an old waypoint from a previous comp might be reused.
Using M will add another -xxx waypoint and we end up with multiple
Pilot numbers which have to get cleaned out by hand.
SECTOR_RADIUS , 1 km radius around a Turnpoint or Starttarp to be in Sector
or for Beercan
SHOW_TIMESTAMP Y or N, used in ZOOM mode to display any time infor with
each trackpoint
STATIONARY_DIST, 0 =< not used, if > 0, example 0.005 is 5 meters.
If the track log distance does not change between 2 consecutive track
point by more than this, then the pilot has landed for MAX_NON_MOVE
STOP_FLYING #18:00# cuts off the track log at that time and determines
the coordinates where the pilot was at that time
TAKEOFF_AREA, 0.3 for 300 meters. Distance allowed around TAKEOFF to be
considered takeoff area.
TIMEZONE is the local time zone offset to GMT. 2 hours for South Africa.
Required to convert GMT based GPS time to local time.
USE_FAI_SECTOR, Y or N, Y uses FAI Sectors in Starttarp and Turnpoints
N uses just the SECTOR_RADIUS , a beercan
USE_WAYPOINTS either Y or N. Y will display the waypoints created at todays
date. Up to meetdirector/ task committee to decide if a waypoint gets accepted.
NEW_ENCRYTPION either Y or N, Y uses encryption for pilotnumbers up to 3767. N
is for pilots up to 999.
Y will give in the
scoring window of a pilot track the distance that the pilot got closest
to the next turnpoint before he turned around.
A little dot is displayed as the reference point.
RACE output will use the CIR format
N will not give this info and create COORD based output.
Files Reference Overview
AUTO Processing
In Cylinder scoring there is a tick box on the top. If one ticks it, the AUTO
REDO and AUTO SCORE options become active.
AUTO mode allows you to re process all track logs, one after the other without
having to pick each track log.
One would use this when one finds out after having scored everyone, that
something was wrong in the task definition. Like one used the wrong turnpoint,
or a radius was wrong, or some time was wrong.
Besides the tick box in the Score window one can also use
Assumes the track is correct. Use does not have to press the Accept
this score. Dangerous option.
But mostly beginner tracks are a mess. Or if the pilot switched
on after his flight one has to cut this off.
In case one discovers that the task got defined wrong. And one has to rescore
all the pilot tracks.
It starts with the first track and picks one track after the other
for scoring
Idea is a self service mode where the Pilot plugs in his GPS and
everything else happens automatic.
One can use this when one is very sure that the tasks are simple. And
the pilots provide good track data.