To start the program double click onto the TP.exe icon.
The splash screen appears.
Click on the ... Click here ... button to start.
If one clicks on any other area the program exits.
Assuming the Task hs been defined and created , if not see How to define a Comp and How to Create a Task .
We now load an existing Task
Load a defined a Task
Double click on the TASKx directory so that PILOTDATA appears
Verify your settings by using Setup/Task/Values
And modify and save them if necessary
Now you are ready to download GPS data and analyze it.
Use the GPSDUMP software, and in TP GetTrack / GPSDUMP
Or use GetTrack and the GARMIN , or Log_It, MLR, .. Menu Option to collect from a GPS the track data
Already scored Tracks can be re-scored using Score
Select one of the pilot track data files and then click on Cylinder Score by follow the track.
Select the pilot track ( make it blue ) that you intend to analyze
And decide which scoring algorithm you want to use
Score Track older code = Follow Task
not visible by default
works only for tasks where the SS is immediately
after takeoff
is checking if a pilot matches the turnpoints
in the correct sequence
Accept score might not create a working XML Bulk output
for RACE
Avoid this one if possible
Score Track old code = All on All
not visible by default
any track points is matched against any turnpoint
less stringent
Accpet Score might not create a XML Output for RACE
Avoid this one
Score Goal Based Task
The recommended default way of scoring.
Caters for remote SS which can be anywhere
Allows to have a turnpoint before the SS.
This code gets enhanced and is supported by bug fixing.
XML bulk output works for this one.
The top heading ... count xxx gives an idea how many pilots have been processed.
To know how many pilots are still missing.
If you click Problem, the other ways of scoring become visible.
And if you fill out a problem report, then the Auto Scoring will skip this track.
Here we opted to use the old way
For Pilot Number 1 for example we get
Click on the Accept this score ... to create an XML
bulk file entry that will be used to feed RACE
Another example of using the first option for Pilot 24 who made SS and 1st Turnpoint
The second Method, checking All on All, is not as strict and allows
the operator to overrule the task score
Pilot 29 forgot to switch on his GPS on take off.
By default the program checks if you took off within takeoff area and
within the time window.
And gives the pilot a 0 score
Tick the redo score to overrule the result
And Click on the Redo the Score button
With accepting take off, the program then finds that the SS was ok and the TP 1 was ok and gives the pilot some kms on the way to goal.
To create the RACE xml bulk data for this pilot, click on the Accept
this score... button.
This picture also shows the distortion caused by Mercator projection.
The white line points to where the pilot crosses the SS radius .
But the projection used for the initial view is Mercator coordinates
The circle should be distorted to an ellipse to be correct.
Here is an example how the task.csv file looks like for a remote SS that is not a turnpoint.
"TO "," ","DAMNTA",-25.7107330206782,27.8840464353561,.4,"13-JUL-00
"1 ","SS","DAM-SR",-25.8116396073252,27.7851300477982,22,"12-AUG-00
"2 "," ","DURATE",-25.7585031632334,28.0100029706955,.4,"18-JAN-02
Using an SS with a 22km radius.
This possibility only works for Method 3 type scoring.
It does not work for All on All or Follow Task.
A flying area might take place in an area where pilots are only
allowed to go to a certain height.
For example The Dam got a ceiling of 2300m ASL.
The code can check, provided the GPS gives altitude data, if a pilot exceeded a certain height limitation.
A magenta warning appears in the score window.
The other red warnings refer to the speed of certain track areas.
Somewhere the pilot was standing and somewhere else the pilot was exceeding
the speed limit.
One then has to scroll through window in the middle to decide if these
warnings are relevant.
A cyan line at the end of the track points from the next turnpoint to the point that was used to determine the distance to this point.
The track log switches to Magenta where the pilot went above ceiling.